Imam Malik in the Eyes of Other Great Scholars

Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullahi ‘alayhi) said, “My eyes have never fallen on anyone faster in understanding, correct in answering, and examining as Imam Malik.” Imam al-Shafi’i (rahmatullahi ‘alayhi) said, “Knowledge is encompassed by three people: Malik bin Anas, al-Laith bin Sa’ad and Sufyan bin ‘Uyaina.” and “When the scholars of knowledge are mentioned, Imam Malik …

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Why Do the Malikis Pray With Their Hands to the Sides?

[part one] Published on March 22, 2008 Asalamu alaykum, Undoubtedly a lot of us [Malikis] have been confronted with this question many times. Such question are important and, if answered correctly, can foster a greater sense of tolerance, love and appreciation for one another. However, some like to insist that there is “no dalil” for …

Why Do the Malikis Pray With Their Hands to the Sides? Read More »