My Eyes Have Never Seen…

My eyes have never seen,
someone as beautiful as you (Prophet Muhammad ﷺ),
none with such grace like yourself have ever been born.
You are born free from all fault,
created as though you fashioned yourself.

Wa Ahsanu Minka Lam Tara Qattu Ayni
Wajmalu Minka Lam Talidin Nisaa’u
Khuliqta Mubarran Min Kulli Aybin
Ka Annaka Qad Khuliqta Kama Tasha’u

وأَحسنُ منكَ لم ترَ قطُّ عيني وَأجْمَلُ مِنْكَ لَمْ تَلِدِ النّسَاءُ
خلقتَ مبرءاً منْ كلّ عيبٍ كأنكَ قدْ خلقتَ كما تشاءُ

~ Recited by the Poet Hasan ibn Thabit, Allah be well pleased with him