
Fiqh Summary of the School of the Maliki Masters

“Fiqh Summary of the School of the Maliki Masters” – from ustadha ‘Aisha Bewley’s website: Fiqh Summary of the School of the Maliki Masters (by Muhammad al-‘Arabi al-Qarawi) (This is a joint translation with Habib Bewley) The Pure and the Impure Wudu’ Ghusl Tayammum Wiping over Leather Socks Wiping over Poultices, Splints and Bandages Menstruation …

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Great Early Scholars on Imam Malik

Imam Abu Hanifa (rahmatullahi ‘alayhi) said, “My eyes have never fallen on anyone faster in understanding, correct in answering, and examining as Imam Malik.” Imam al-Shafi’i (rahmatullahi ‘alayhi) said, “Knowledge is encompassed by three people: Malik bin Anas, Layth bin Sa’d and Sufyan bin ‘Uyayna” and “When the scholars of knowledge are mentioned, Imam Malik …

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